16 May 23
The ENGIE OPEN OF BIARRITZ PAYS BASQUE celebrates its 20th anniversary!!
Book your tickets now for this unmissable sporting event which will take place from
June 12 to 18, 2023.

11 May 23
Wheels and Waves is a multi-spot event between France and Spain which extends over 5 days whose rallying point is the W&W Village.

je soutiens les hôteliers
29 May 20
COVID-19 security measures
Dear customer, We are doing our utmost to limit the spread of Coronavirus while maintaining the most efficient service possible. We remind you of the need, for you as for us, to apply barrier gestures, in particular by respecting a distance of 1 meter when waiting at reception. We assure you that all of our staff work to provide you with the best of services and thank you for your loyalty.
Today, more than ever, we encourage ourselves to book directly.
By booking directly you will participate in the revival of a sector painfully impacted by the current crisis and save our jobs. Prefer us to booking platforms that rely on high commissions (18% for a hotelier). Today make the choice to pay 100% to the local economy.